I was recommended the show by a friend and discovered this was based on a book. It was obvious I had to read the book first to watch this and that’s what I did. Having both read the book (review) and watched the first Season of YOU. I have comeContinue Reading

I have been constantly recommended the Netflix Series – YOU. A quick Google search suggested it was based on a book and here I am following the right chronology of reading the book before the series.:P WHAT IS IT ABOUT? When aspiring writer Guinevere Beck strides into the bookstore whereContinue Reading

My first K Drama of the Year started with a back list and a lot of action 😛 Also, I have found my new fictional crush already! – Kim Je Ha. WHAT IS IT ABOUT? Kim Je Ha is former solider for hire. He is also called K2. He isContinue Reading

With everything happening in India right now. This book seemed quite appealing. There are so many books about the holocaust and World War 2 in the Historical Fiction Genre but very few about the atrocities the other parts of the world has faced. I don’t know how to articulate thisContinue Reading

I have set myself to see more Anime this year and did not realize I have dived into a whole different type of fandom altogether. Although, I have no idea where to begin . I decided to go with the one’s airing on Netflix for the time being. Hopefully, IContinue Reading

This is my first 2020 Release I’ve finished reading.. YAYY! Only 49 more to go.:P SO yes, I have decided I am setting myself an unofficial goal to read 50 books that are released this year. You know with dedicating a blog to reviewing book it’s only sensible if IContinue Reading

Also known as Bad Seeds!This is my first French Movie and I am surprised I never thought of watching a movie in french until now , all with teaching myself the language for over a year so far. Really need to get my lesson plans updated.Well, better late than never!Continue Reading

I watched this with Maa over the Christmas Holidays and OMG.. we both were crying and smiling and ended up hugging each other. This was quite an overly emotional story for both of us and got very personal especially with Still gives me the blues! Although it equally has it’sContinue Reading

I have heard so many good things about this Drama, I wanted to check it out for myself. and Yes, the Hype is real. Let’s just say – This made me go through a lot of emotions. WHAT IS IT ABOUT? Jang Man Wol is the CEO of Hotel delContinue Reading

I have always been a lover of meaningful quotes.When I was little, I used to fill up notebook after notebook with quotes I resonated with. And here is to me continuing the tradition.After all, words have power and they sure can impact us.  Hence,I bring to you a monthly curationContinue Reading