Hana Khan Carries On has a lot of YA elements , but is actually more of a new adult romance novel.It’s cute and mushy while also putting light on some serious issues like islamophobia and the need for particularly Muslim South Asian Representation that tells their stories in a way that isn’t only limited to wearing a hijab and terrorism.Continue Reading

One by One written by Ruth ware is a perfect pick for this lockdown! I have been absolutely disheartened with having to cancel my travel plans. Ruth ware managed to transport me to the French Alps through this page-turning thriller. This book did not live up to her previous publicationContinue Reading

I am not someone that reads family tragedy stories often. Its something too heartbreaking to read about, and even if it’s fiction it’s sad to think it’s not far from reality for most people. I was intrigued by the premise and wanted to give this a try and let’s justContinue Reading

In my mission to read more Asian Literature, I came across this recently released translated book from Korea – The Disaster Tourist. This was so deeply layered with such important issues addressed. It’s safe to say I am not disappointed. SYNOPSIS An eco-thriller with a fierce feminist sensibility, The DisasterContinue Reading

It’s August, the month where we explore and celebrate Women in Translation. I recently finished reading the English translation Lullaby, of the french book originally titled as Chanson douce by Leila Slimani. This award winning thriller gave me goosebumps and left me in a mood to read more translated worksContinue Reading

You know it’s March when there is so much buzz about Women everywhere. All I wish, it wasn’t just about one day and the way of life. Well, this book gives hope. This book demands for a revolution. I am all for celebrating Women’s Day and everything. In my pointContinue Reading