Hello Readers! October was a month where I re-watched a few Bollywood movies in excitement of visiting India, mainly watched a lot that included documentaries, movies and k-dramas all leaning towards the thriller and creepy genre, ending it with a bitter sweet finale of my favorite rom-com. Also of course,Continue Reading

Hana Khan Carries On has a lot of YA elements , but is actually more of a new adult romance novel.It’s cute and mushy while also putting light on some serious issues like islamophobia and the need for particularly Muslim South Asian Representation that tells their stories in a way that isn’t only limited to wearing a hijab and terrorism.Continue Reading

Hello Guys, I have been watching BookTube Videos since forever.. While brainstorming for a video to come up for the Muslim Read-a-thon I am participating this month I realized even though there are a bunch of videos recommending books by Muslim Authors, most of them cover only the YA FictionContinue Reading

So March has been a tough one. 😛 The world has literally come to a standstill and I am super anxious about my job status but let us wait and see how this pandemic ends. If anything, the last thing I want is a apocalyptic world. However, I did finallyContinue Reading

You know it’s March when there is so much buzz about Women everywhere. All I wish, it wasn’t just about one day and the way of life. Well, this book gives hope. This book demands for a revolution. I am all for celebrating Women’s Day and everything. In my pointContinue Reading

Let’s be honest, I do not fancy reading about war or politics. I do not understand why people are so religiously driven to an extent they will slaughter people. I do not get why Indian Politics is so fixed on Kashmir and why can’t they see the people living thereContinue Reading