It’s August, the month where we explore and celebrate Women in Translation. I recently finished reading the English translation Lullaby, of the french book originally titled as Chanson douce by Leila Slimani. This award winning thriller gave me goosebumps and left me in a mood to read more translated worksContinue Reading

You know it’s March when there is so much buzz about Women everywhere. All I wish, it wasn’t just about one day and the way of life. Well, this book gives hope. This book demands for a revolution. I am all for celebrating Women’s Day and everything. In my pointContinue Reading

Let’s be honest, I do not fancy reading about war or politics. I do not understand why people are so religiously driven to an extent they will slaughter people. I do not get why Indian Politics is so fixed on Kashmir and why can’t they see the people living thereContinue Reading

This year, I have made a conscious decision of picking more books written by Muslim Authors, and books that have Muslim Characters, and hopefully books that address the Islamophobic issues in general. I feel it’s the need of the hour especially with so much hate spread in my home countryContinue Reading

I have been constantly recommended the Netflix Series – YOU. A quick Google search suggested it was based on a book and here I am following the right chronology of reading the book before the series.:P WHAT IS IT ABOUT? When aspiring writer Guinevere Beck strides into the bookstore whereContinue Reading