This was the kind of light, educational drama and romance I needed right now. Saying that, this has too many clichés and I should warn you some of them are not going to sit well. SYNOPSIS A young American woman from the Midwest is hired by a marketing firm inContinue Reading

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Once in a while I am grateful I am still subscribed to Amazon Prime Video. This is an absolute gem. Can’t wait for Season 2. I need to watch it like right now. SYNOPSIS Made In Heaven chronicles the lives ofContinue Reading

So I realized I have a couple of Kdramas I watched way before I decided to share my thoughts about them on this blog. To be honest, my obsession with Kdramas has been since only a little more than a year. In this period I watched around a dozen ofContinue Reading

I was recommended the show by a friend and discovered this was based on a book. It was obvious I had to read the book first to watch this and that’s what I did. Having both read the book (review) and watched the first Season of YOU. I have comeContinue Reading

I wasn’t really a person that loved stories that involve Alien Invasion. Until Now! I binge – watched this series and it not only made me cringe but also made my heart weep. Yet again, this was not just a cute love story for me, it made me question lifeContinue Reading